Nine women recognised in the 2023 Brilliant Women in Digital Health Awards

The 2023 Brilliant Women in Digital Health Awards celebrates the outstanding achievements of nine exceptional women who have achieved excellence in contributions to digital health in the health and aged care sectors.

Award recipients have delivered digital innovations in aged care nutrition, health literacy, mental health and substance use, telehealth, virtual care, machine learning for medical imaging, eye care and more.

Telstra Health Managing Director, Elizabeth Koff AM, congratulated the award recipients, saying the awards highlight the breadth and depth of rewarding careers in digital health for women, who are traditionally under-represented in science, technology, engineering and mathematics workforces.

“For gender equity to be achieved we require equity in all areas of endeavour, from our sporting fields to our frontline workers in healthcare, education and emergency services, all the way to our executive leadership teams and boardrooms.

“It brings us pleasure also that our awards alumni continues to grow, enabling connections within and throughout our industry, bringing a network together of like-minded individuals striving for brilliance to improve health outcomes, healthcare systems and clinician experiences,” Elizabeth said.

2023 Brilliant Women in Digital Health

  • Judge’s choice award: Director and CEO Hunter Medical Research Institute Professor Frances Kay-Lambkin
  • Contribution to the development of a new digital health product or technology: Associate Professor RMIT School of Computing Technologies Sonika Tyagi
  • Achieving health outcomes using technology: Hospital Manager of Virtual Health, Mackay Hospital and Health Service Cathie La Riviere and Head, Youth Mental Health Telethon Kids InstituteDr Yael Perry
  • Contributing to the growth, maturation and commercialisation of the digital health sector through innovation, leadership, support and advocacy: Vice President Strategy and Business Development iCare World Australia Dr Kate Taylor and CEO & Co-founder Coviu Global Pty Ltd Dr Silvia Pfeiffer
  • Advancing medical research through technology: Head of the School, Computer Science and Engineering University of NSW Professor Arcot Sowmya and Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Sydney Health Literacy Lab, School of Public Health, The University of Sydney Dr Julie Ayre
  • Introducing a new digital process to improve clinician and patient experiences in health and aged care: CEO and Founder of SoupedUp Belinda Adams

Elizabeth Koff expressed her gratitude to the awards judges, Professor Jane Halton AO PSM, Dr. Louise Schaper, Dr. Steve Hambleton AM and Professor Ngiare Brown AM for their careful consideration in selecting the 2023 awardees from many outstanding nominations.

For more information about the achievements and stories of our award recipients, please refer to our comprehensive awards report below.

Read about our award recipients

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